Improve your voice


It is definitely possible to do something with your voice. The website mentions what to focus on and what to do in order to improve the most essential characteristics of your voice. These routines are not difficult, nor are they time-consuming. You can use them both for perfecting your vocal performance or just for warming up before an important talk.

It is really important not to speak with harsh and unfriendly tones, since your voice reflects your psychological and emotional state.


Many people are never aware of their tone when they are speaking. They focus on speaking loudly enough and enunciating properly – they do not worry about the tone. The result is that they sound like they are upset even when they are not. It can have a negative impact on their listeners. So listen to yourself from time to time and pay attention to the tone you usually have while talking to others.


Repeat the alphabet with a softer and louder voice. You will be able to control your voice’s volume then when talking to someone. Volume has a huge effect on how you are perceived by your listeners. Whether you speak loudly or softly, this single characteristic deeply affects the picture others form in their heads.


It is quite easy, just say the sentence “Why are you late for our meeting?” with the emphasis on a different word each time. By emphasizing different parts, you change the message. In a longer speech, you want to emphasize key concepts and accentuate the ideas of great importance.

Filler words

Try to detect them on your own or encourage your friends to tell you what they are. Often, sounds like “er” or “uhmmm” are the most annoying vocal mannerisms. Using the same phrase over and over again can be irritating as well.

Do you use contrast and emotion when you are speaking? Also, what about the speed, do you speak quickly or slowly? Record your voice digitally and listen to the recordings carefully. You want to achieve a relaxed voice. Experiment with volume, intensity and drama of your voice. Avoid speaking with pinched and strained throat muscles. Instead relax them and you will achieve a resonant tone of voice.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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