What is hindering your success?


If we want to stand out from the crowd and achieve more, we have to think differently. However, this is easier said than done. Not everybody is a fearless visionary; most of us are limited by our fears. That is why we tend to answer the question of why we do not try to do things differently by using typical excuses. What are your excuses?

Try looking in the following list of the most common excuses that kill people's motivation, originally written by Jeff Haden, author of management-related articles on Inc.com.

1. I never have the right opportunity

Realize that you are not the only one thinking this way. Look around, and you will see that the number of opportunities are virtually infinite. You can cooperate with almost everybody thanks to social media, produce and sell your own products, and find a sponsor. You definitely do not have to wait until someone offers you a chance. You only need the interest and the courage to try.

2. I would do it if I knew it would work

If there were no "ifs", there would be no mistakes. Successful people are distinguished by knowing their goals and working hard to achieve them much earlier than they can see a successful outcome. They are willing to sacrifice and perceive success not as a motivator to work hard, but as a reward. Others want to achieve more without even thinking about the fact that they have to do more.

3. Other people prevent me from succeeding

Yes, your suppliers may fail to deliver what they should, or your customers may not accept your product. You can't control what others do. You can only control what you do. That is why the blame lies primarily with you when you fail. This is true in most cases. All successful people have failed, and not only once. They were, however, able to learn from their mistakes and that is why they are successful today.

4. I have no time

We all have the same amount of time. The difference is how we use it. Anyone can create a calendar and a time management system, but most people do not do that. Try to stop thinking about how time controls you, start controlling it. You might be surprised how much time you can find.

5. I have no special talents

We often make the excuse that other people have extraordinary ideas or skills, and they are far more creative. You have skills that others do not have as well, you just haven't discovered them yet. What you need to succeed is not a miraculous talent, but the willingness to work hard and persevere. That is how real talent is born. Do not worry about what you do not know and what you do not have. Focus on what you do have and what extra things you are willing to do.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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