Lessons learned from bad managers


It is sad but the true, that many bosses and managers are not good leaders. For their subordinates, this can be hell. However, there are lessons that can be learned, provided we know what correct leadership behavior should be.

According to an article on the management.about.com website it is simple. Managers should emulate good behaviors and try to do the opposite of what does not work. What are the common sins of managers?

1. The manager who never leaves his office. A good boss needs to communicate, be visible, and connect with his teammates.

2. Unethical behavior and unfair assessment. The boss' behavior must not be unethical. He should not have to worry about who knows what he has done. Instead his decisions should be honest and upfront. The performance assessment process has to be transparent and objective. It should be based on actual merits and results.

3. The manager who never admits failure. A manager must accept responsibility for his actions. If he does not, how can he expect anyone from his team to accept responsibility? Another bad behavior is when a manager acts like he knows everything and is not open to learning or genuine listening.

4. The manager who fails to energize his team. A leader must be able to positively affect his employees with the things he says and does. The way he reacts to suggestions raised by his subordinates is very important, because it can affect the energy of the team. A manager who fails, is draining more energy than he is providing. The boss must maintain his competitive and energetic attitude.

5. Brain hijacked by emotions. A good boss must control himself. He has to stay calm under fire and be respectful to his colleagues in every situation.


Article source About Management - part of the About.com website focused on management
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