How to utilise time in the library - effectively and for free


Why the library? Perhaps because, after university, many of us have never actively returned to the shelves, being terrified by the idea of sleepless nights or days with books and studying for tests. What a pity. In the library you may find much inspiration for your career and personal development, usually for free. This, at least, is according to The Daily Muse website, which has prepared 5 tips for pondering over …

Improve your computer literacy

Probably there is still no comparable service in the Czech Republic to that offered by some American libraries, focusing on, for example, help in compiling your resume or job search methods. In selected branches of Czech libraries, however, you can learn or refresh, for free or a small fee, the basics of working with such programs as Word or Excel. Ask at your library what specific services or courses are being offered.

You will not find everything on the Internet

In the library you can find lots of interesting information and perspectives on the topic that interests you, regardless of whether it will help you develop professionally or is just a marginal issue you are interested in. By the way, even if you might argue that the Internet covers everything, do your eyes not deserve some rest from the luminous monitor?

Inspiration may be sitting next to you across the aisle

If you spend time in the library, you are usually surrounded by many strangers investigating similar or different topics to yourself. There is a good chance of encountering someone nearby who is interested in a related topic and is thus able to move you ahead in this issue. So speak to the colleague next to you.

Take advantage of the freedom and space available to you

Air conditioning, calm, Internet connection - and all for free or a negligible fee. The library provides a great neutral space to work outside the office and the home. Additionally, if you find the right place, there is a minimum of disruptive elements that might distract you from work. So, off to the library.

During work and after work

Many libraries organise various programmes for zero or minimal cost: sessions with authors, film screenings, exhibitions or other presentations. If you do not want to spend the afternoon at home, take your library card and go to enjoy a bit of harmless fun.

Have you also discovered the benefits of libraries for your personal needs and development? How do you yourself make use of this space?


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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