Work or fun? Learn not to distinguish the two


Many people feel that the job they currently do is certainly not their dream job. Yet this may be far from the truth. Perhaps you are just not able to transfer a little of what you love into what you do for your livelihood. Erika Napolitano, marketing consultant and writer from Chicago, gave the Fast Company website her recipe for a happy working life.

What motivates you?

Do you love creativity in cooking, adrenaline sports or just meeting new people and cultures? What is most fulfilling for you? Erika Napolitano loves acting, which she does just at those moments when she does not have to deal with clients. Many may feel that their job and personal life are two quite disparate areas. So continue reading ...

Are your skills transferable?

So let us say you also enjoy acting; however, during working hours you sit at a desk or run from one meeting to another. What benefit can your hobby bring to your career? Surprisingly much. A little acting talent will help you during presentations, where a monotone voice will certainly not attract anybody. Not to mention the fact your acting skills are reflected in an ability better to interpret your notes; nor do you probably suffer too much from nerves. These and other transferable skills can certainly be found in other hobbies too. It is important to appreciate such links and develop them further. Then work really can be fun.

Are you open to constructive criticism?

Many of us avoid judgements about our performance. At the same time, how many times do we admire people who are better than we are in the business? Feedback from these individuals is always better than self-evaluation. So if, say, you love cooking and a chef you know offers a tip to improve your Sunday lunch, you have the opportunity to advance your culinary skills next time round. Apply the same approach in your career.

Be your own first client every day!

How do you start your daily ritual? Morning hygiene, breakfast, reading the newspaper and quickly to work? And what about reserving more time for yourself even at the cost of having to rise a little earlier? If you are one of those who cannot afford more flexible working hours and, for instance, you love sport, get up early. Soon you will get used to your new morning ritual and the working day will look much brighter.

Is your work fun? How do you organise your regular working day?


Article source Fast Company - leading U.S. magazine and website for managers
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