Excuses, excuses, excuses ...


Unproductive people have an excuse for everything. If you want to find out whether you have someone like this on your team or if you behave unproductively yourself, read the following typical statements by unproductive people highlighted by Inc.com. Then ask yourself whether you want to continue to ignore such behaviors.

"I'm too busy."

Everyone is too busy today. Productive people, however, do not complain about it and do their work.

"It's not in my job description."

Productive people do what is needed for a common project and do not waste time figuring out what is written is whose job description.

"I don't have all the information."

Unproductive people are too concerned with details. They wait until they have all the information or when the time is right, but it is never.

"I'll wait for what my boss says."

Inability to work independently is a fundamental productivity killer. A non-productive employee simply waits until someone tells them what to do.

"I can't see any benefit for me personally."

Productive people are not narcissists who would obstruct the completion of projects due to the fact they expect public praise from others.

"I can't guarantee a perfect result."

The truth is that nobody expects perfect results. Trying to reach them only delays the fulfillment of goals. Unproductive people use and abuse the argument of perfect work quality.

"I'm afraid I'll fail."

That sounds really self-critically, but, in most cases, it's only an excuse associated with fear. If you do not start working on something, you can't fail. You will therefore put things off as long as possible.

What other excuses do you hear?


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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