Leaders delegate tasks and responsibilities to their subordinates. Many of them are great visionaries who may fail to implement their visions if they do not choose their co-workers properly. Let managers manage and professionals do their work. Be available, but do not feel the need to do everything yourself.
4. You must know how to communicate
The fact that someone is a leader does not mean that he can communicate in real life. However, to be successful, a leader must be an expert communicator. This involves not only conveying messages to others, but also the ability to accept their feedback.
5. You have to be authentic
A leader embodies the values that others take from him. He should expect to be a role model and behave exactly as he wants others to behave. This includes not only accessibility, transparency and fulfilling promises, but also the ability (already mentioned above) to accept feedback. Good leaders are not afraid of uncomfortable truths and they are willing to learn new and new things.
Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders