Summer: How not to get crazy at full time jobs


It is never easy to find enough time to spend in the warm, sunny weather of summer, especially when you are  employed full time. You may feel trapped behind your cubicle walls. That is why the website decided to share a few tips on how to enjoy the summer in spite of it all.

1. Get  a few foldable chairs – because with such chairs you can eat your lunch outside and still be comfortable. Enjoy the sun during your meals. It doesn’t really matter whether you sit in the park or in the parking lot.

2. Perhaps get a grill . Even if the parking lot is the only option you have, you can organize an office barbecue. Ask everybody to contribute with their favorite dish or drink and fire up the grill… it is summer after all.

2. Pack your lunch and eat it in the park. Sometimes there are benches and you do not even need a foldable chair. Hit the park for your own picnic at twelve o’clock.

3. Take a quick walk to the ice cream shop with a bunch of your co-workers. You will get not only a sweet reward; but you will enjoy the additional perks of the summer air, sun and a little bit of exercise.

4. Engage in office sports. Do you have a field with in  walking distance of your offices? Great. Get out, play sports and enjoy.

5. Become a member of a professional group. During the summer, professional networking groups often organize events like harbor cruises and outdoor mixes. Find them and take part.

6. Plan an office field trip to the pool, to the park … simply do something that refreshes you and recharges one’s brain.

7. Wake up early, although it usually is an incredible painful experience. But when you manage to do that, you can go for a morning run, watch  th sunrise or putter around in the garden, early mornings are the best time of the day.


Article source - career and job search blog
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