How to live with narcissistic coworkers

Very self-centered people are often not easy to put up with. When you have a narcissistic coworker, it can be huge challenge. Relationships with such people can be destructive. In addition, your financial and emotional welfare may be at stake. Your possible ways of dealing with it follow: you can avoid the narcissist, develop a fixed strategy for your talks with him or she and stick to them, don’t get taken in by the flattery and simply do your job. This advice was published on the website.

1) Avoid the person

Narcissism is usually considered to be a problem when it comes to relationships. Therefore you want to delete such relationships by simply avoiding narcissistic colleagues. However it can be difficult to do, because of their nature, they are usually around. They like to be seen as movers and shakers and we tend to feel we want to be around them. We feel the energy and importance projected. However, it is just an illusion. They are full of excitement, but that’s all.

2) Stick to your conversation strategy

Develop your own talking points. You have to know what exactly you want to achieve and stick to it. Don’t be distracted by flattery. Be polite, but uncompromising.

3) Ignore them and carry on with your work

Ignore them and do your job. If you are a conscientious and hardworking employee, you have no better protection from the slings and arrows of narcissistic colleagues. Politely decline their invitations to go out after work. Don’t get drawn into gossip. Don’t do them any favors; just say you are too busy.

4) Ignore all the flattery, it’s not honest

First a narcissist adores you, then he starts to hate you. Never accept his or her flattery, because that is the beginning of a relationship. Don’t get deceived by the false recognition.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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