Purchase just the items you really need. If, for example, you print only a few colour copies per month, you probably do not require a colour printer. Remember to insure your equipment to protect items in the event of possible loss or a natural disaster. If your business involves frequent meetings in person, invest in new furniture of professional appearance. Bear in mind ergonomics when choosing your chair and keyboard: both should be as comfortable for you as possible.
Appropriate lighting
Proper light is essential for productive work. You want as much natural light as possible. A combination of general and task lighting is necessary. For more comfort add dimmers because you will thus gain control over the lighting’s intensity. Never place a light between yourself and the computer screen; otherwise, your eyes will be strained much more than they need be. Organisation options
In terms of minimal distractions a private office would be perfect but this is not always an option. To reduce disturbances you might try implementing some white noise, perhaps a fan or air filter … or in extreme cases you can use headphones. Your desk should facilitate the process of getting work done. Random piles of paper are not what you want: in order to prevent chaos, organise your pending work into a few separate folders based on which phase you are currently at with the given task.