Learn from the advice of billionaires


Have you ever thought about how billionaires achieved their success? Learn from their advice as summed up by Inc.com. 

1) Satisfied customers 

Business strategy, market positioning and long-term plans are important. But do not forget about customer satisfaction. Happy customers mean sufficient sales. A great strategic plan is useless if there is no satisfied customer. This is the opinion of Tej Kohli, a real estate entrepreneur. 

2) Learn from failure

It is all right to celebrate successes but, according to Bill Gates, it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

3) Perfection is unattainable

"Don't aim for perfection. Aim for success." These are the words of Brazilian magnate Eike Batista. Business affairs will never be perfect. You just have to learn to live with this fact. Expecting everything to be perfect, something which will never happen, saps your energy - which, however, you need for other issues.

4) Have fun

You have to enjoy what you do, says the founder of Zappos, Tony Hsieh. Business is about money but if there is too much mental stress, it is not worth it.

5) Be innovative

Most entrepreneurs take a safe path when doing business. But John D. Rockefeller, the oil industry revolutionary from the late 19th century, said that in order to be truly successful you have to look for new ways.

6) Do not be scared

Without risk there is no reward. These words summarise the approach of Mark Zuckerberg. The world is changing quickly and the only strategy for success is occasionally to accept the risk of failure.

7) Balance

You cannot live only from your business. Balance business and family matters. Do not give up opportunities for self-learning as well as teaching others. Chuck Fenney, businessman and founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations, says that without a balance of life's opportunities, individual parts will gradually disintegrate.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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