Four ways to build trust with your employees


Do you know how to build trust with your employees? published four ways how to do so.

1) Keep promises

If an employee asks you a question, avoid answers like "I will get back to you on that" or "I will look into it." It lowers your credibility. Instead of saying if, set a time frame for getting back to them. If you do not find the answer by then, let your employee know, apologize and make a new date to get back to them. You cannot ignore the deadline.

2) Take care of your employees

If your employee has a problem, show your involvement and personal interest.  If you want your employee to care about customers, then you have to care about your employees. From time to time, you will need to sacrifice for your people. It is especially important for employees who have performed well in the past and now their performance is declining. Try to find out why these change have occurred and offer help. If something goes wrong, do not be tempted to blame, but instead talk with the person in private.

3) Be a role model

Tell your team what you expect from them and lead by example. If someone swerves off course, lead him back. Work hard, support your team and your people will follow you without you having to push them. Do not hide behind paperwork and cooperate actively with your team.

4) Solve problems

Employees appreciate managers the most who listen and understand them. If your employee says that another employee is always on his case, ask him to describe the  problem more specifically. Avoid answers like "Do not let it bother you" or "He is like that with everyone" It does not change anything and the employee will feel discouraged.

If you do not understand the problem, ask for further explanation. Start with "So, what I think you are saying is..." It will be easier for the employee to add relevant information or correct you. In addition, you show that you are really listening and their respect for you will grow.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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