Do your habits limit you? Then change them


Some habits can bring us closer to our expectations each time we follow them but others are in direct contradiction to our goals. The former are empowering habits, while the latter are holding us back. How to re-engineer the adverse habits and change them into empowering ones? The website offers a guide.

1. Identification of habits that limit you

The key question is what the goals are which you are currently trying to achieve. Then think about your habits. Which ones are preventing you from achieving a particular goal? For almost every single goal you can usually identify at least one limiting habit.

2. Identification of triggers

The next step is to find the trigger of each limiting habit. When you again find yourself indulging such a habit, take a quick look at the following areas:

  • at what time it is triggered
  • by what location it is triggered
  • what emotions tend to trigger it
  • what you are doing just before the habit is triggered
  • which people you are with

The aim is to be able to recognise a trend and know what sets your bad habit in motion.

3. Identification of reward

Try to specify what the big, positive reward is that you receive from the habit. Reward here is defined as something that brings you pleasure, although its eventual consequences may be rather adverse. Such a habit may be overeating or getting angry. The reward may also be that you are getting paid or receiving social approval and recognition. Basically, the reward is the reason why you continue to indulge the particular habit.

4. Take fresh action

The final step is to replace the limiting habit with a new one, which must be triggered by the same cue and bring you the same kind of reward. Once you know the pattern, you can deal with it. If, for example, you tend to eat unhealthily when hungry and tired, you might decide on the following change: take a small, healthier snack (the reward is instant satisfaction) and you will have sufficient energy in order to cook something healthy later.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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