The more specific the goal, the clearer the path


The truth is that in order to achieve success, you must define it. First think about it with no regard to what your colleagues and friends think. Then decide what exactly it is you want. According to the website, that is the correct approach.

1. What does success look like?

Ask yourself this question and write down everything you can think of. Whatever you want. Nothing crossed your mind? Then leave it blank.

2. Forget the opinions of others

This step is essential. We all have learned to view success as a measure. We measure ourselves against each other, marking those with “more success“ to be ahead and in some way to be better than us. But the fact is that others' success doesn’t really matter. This is a crucial piece of information. Success is not measured in money or bragging. It is measured only against what you want.

Forget about what people around you want and return to the first question. A truly important aspect of success is that it is you and only you who chooses the scale. So, once again, what does success look like to you? Owning a new smartphone? Spending more time with your family? A new house? Being rich enough to travel whenever you want? And having time to do so? Success can be defined only against your own life and your expectations. Be sure that you struggle for something you wholeheartedly and honestly want, because then you won’t quit when it gets difficult and hard.

3. Set a clear picture of results

Now think very profoundly about what success really is for you. You already know what it looks like, according to your personal taste – but now be more specific. What exactly would you do? How would you spend your free time with your family? The more clearly and specifically you picture it, the more attached to it you become. Make your goals definite and tangible.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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