How to meet your career goals in three steps


If you want to achieve success in your career, you have to determine what success specifically means to you. Do not try to imitate others: their path to success may seem easy to you but is it really what you want too? Define success for yourself and find your way to it. The following advice from may help you.

1) Decide and determine what is important for your career

Before deciding how to move, you need to determine clearly where you want to go. If you focus on career growth, first think about where you are just now. Then consider what you would like to achieve if you were able to use your "best self". Do not limit your thinking. Focus on the distance between where you are at the moment and where your "super self" is. This is your goal. Try to find the best way to overcome this distance.

2) Determine how to achieve your goal

If you do not know how to get from where you are to where you want to be, do some research. Find out what others have done to achieve the same things you want and adopt their methods. Set key performance indicators to achieve your goal and form a plan on how to do it.

3) Keep track and measure your progress towards success

Every day, write down what you have done to move ahead on your way to success. Repeating what you want to achieve and monitoring your progress will help you in further development. You will learn to seek opportunities and develop your own success. Even minor progress is a move towards success.

If you want to meet your goals, you have to be persistent, patient and able to recognise opportunities. Look back at what have you achieved. Even if you have taken only small steps so far, these are part of the way to success.

You may also find useful the recommendations from our previous article 5 career lessons you don't often hear.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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