How to manage change


Initially change ought to be managed differently from the getting back to business  as usual after the team executing the change or project has departed. Every change has an impact. Every project has a positive or negative product, social or emotional impact. If a project is perceived as negative, you have to emphasis the positive changes and focus on communicating these. Think about the cultural implications and personal agendas when preparing a change. Never forget to include local involvement, the article urges on the website.

There are always personal consequences of a change

Change management is never the same. Especially when a project causes a transformation on a global scale. It creates many local issues and local challenges. Communication is essential. Another necessity is to share the responsibility for implementation with those directly involved. Workers must feel that their opinions have been listened to and that the project has been adjusted accordingly. As a result the resistance is lower and it is easier to get them to agree to the changes.

You need to manage both, the process itself and the psychological adjustments of the employees. Sometimes, where possible, it may be a good idea to let them set the deadlines. It will be easier to change of their mindsets.

Relationships and teamwork

Respect and trust for the people affected are necessary assets for you as a change manager. In order to secure a functional team, you must ensure there is clarity regarding roles and responsibilities. A plan should be in place to solve all possible conflicting objectives. An internal social collaboration platform is more effective for a team from different countries. It enables the conversations to be open between the whole team. This is a huge advantage to e-mail.

Active collaboration is great for building relationships and it eliminates the risk that a team will not be a team, but just a group of people instead.

Read more on change management in The seven deadly sins of change managers and Prepare your team for a change.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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