In general, email copies (Cc) should only be sent to those who really care. If you are sending an email to many recipients, use blind copies (Bcc) instead, and protect their privacy. Even blind copies should only be sent when it is really necessary. For example, imagine someone sends you a contact to another person so that you can arrange a meeting with that person. It is not necessary to send blind copies of your further emails to the original provider of the contact. If you yourself get an email labelled as a Bcc, never reply to this message. A blind copy is not a call to participate in a conversation, it only has an informative function.
Email signatures can be a powerful marketing tool. You can use it to share a short text information about yourself or a link to your website. However, avoid directly attaching images or even videos. Not only you will slow down the whole process of communication, but also the breakdown of the graphics in your message in different email clients. It's simply annoying and you should use hyperlinks.
What other rules of email etiquette would you add based on your own experiences?
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