Unblock your internal limitations


Why do some of your old classmates or young entrepreneurs succeed and achieve everything they want, and not you? You are not short of ideas, you are inspired and driven and you work hard. What makes the actual difference? Our internal thinking is often holding us back.  But changes don’t have to be always as slow and difficult as you think, claims the addicted2success.com website.

Adjust your mindset

We all spend a lot of time thinking about what could possibly go wrong. You would be correct to assume, this does not allow you the scope to consider and prepare for a better contingency plan.Further, it can actually increase the chances that things will go wrong. So by anticipating the worst, you don’t ensure success, you push against it, and the unwanted outcomes are significantly more likely to happen. Reasonable precautions are useful, of course, but do not waste too much energy thinking about possible negative outcomes.

The problem is that most of us usually are not in full control of our own thinking. We are victims of thinking habits that have been running since we were children. Often we are  completely unaware of these programmes. Perhaps on some intellectual level we do know, when we notice that we consistently get into similar situations. We realize that we are recreating them again and again. If you are having problems working with your colleagues, changing your job is not necessary an effective solution. The problem may be with your relationships.

You are not at the mercy of your internal baggage

You are in control. Get back in the drivers seat and take responsibility. Be careful about your thoughts – dwell only on things you want. Drop the ones that are not good for you. Don’t wish, hope or daydream. Embrace the fact that what you hold in mind is what you create. Finally by not battling against your own thoughts all the time, you become much more productive. You will feel better, because you will be in control of your own mind. It is about how you think about situations, not the situations.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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