Why you need sense of humor in your workplace?


Not only will your day be more enjoyable but a sense of humor results in a higher level of trust, resulting in a healthier environment. Your staff will be less prone to mistakes and your suppliers will find you more desirable to work with. You will be more creative  when you can laugh at yourself. You can inspire others, because they know they can try new possibilities and spark new ideas. If they don’t prove to be viable, it will be OK, not a disaster. After all, humor acknowledges that humans are not perfect and they don’t need to pretend to be the opposite. But there are more benefits when you share your sense of humor, claims the businessknowhow.com website.

How humor can increase productivity

Workers who are able to laugh at themselves recover more quickly when they make a mistake. Psychological research, in the past two decades, suggests that this ability makes us more resilient. This resiliency subsequently generates success in business. People who are capable of laughing at themselves focus on positive aspects of every situation and are able to forgive their colleagues and subordinates when they make a mistake. People are less anxious, more relaxed and mistakes are not as common. Furthermore, people who laugh learn faster.


If you make them laugh, you can get them to listen to you. Humor can facilitate communication and improve your relationships. It also diffuses conflicts. Knowing it  creates a lighter mood is why many negotiators are true masters at humor and jokes.

Humor counts

Customers like to visit stores and offices when there are lighthearted people. The atmosphere therefore affects how often customers visit your business, and how much they spend. Laughter also boost employee morale, because when they like you they want to please you. Reduced rates of absenteeism is another benefit humor brings to your business.

What kind of humor is typical for your workplace?


Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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