How to survive: Guide for managers in a new role


It is important for managers in a new position, or building a new team and department, to stick to following rules. Always research first then adjust your business plan and project strategy. Always keep pace with modern technology. Learn to delegate and try to meet important people outside of your business hours. According to the website, these tips will help you survive in your new role.

Act in a timely manner

Accept that you probably will make some mistakes, because you are human. However, you can minimize the risk of serious mistakes by adapting the right approach to decision making. Always do  proper research prior to any decision. You may have tenure and experience, but make it your habit to seek  additional information when you are about to implement new strategies. If needs arise for changes, during  implementation, act. Terminate the project if it is not working for you. Don’t be afraid to make this decision, no matter how difficult it may be. Continuing may cost you much more money than you have already spent. When you have closed an unsuccessful project, learn from what went wrong.

Stay up-to-date

Be aware of available state of the art technology. You may not have time to research the latest trends and devices, but you can assign the task to some of your employees. These people do not need to do the research full time, it can be only a part of their duties.

Delegate, or be overwhelmed

Don’t try to run everything  yourself, because it is impossible. When you are networking with one of your key accounts, you can’t answer a ringing phone, that is why you need an assistant. This is a common problem when you are in a new position, especially when you have not fully staffed your team. Delegating right from the start is simply necessary and crucial when you are about to build a new team or a department. It can be difficult to hire someone, especially when your budget is limited. In that case try to be there for incoming phone calls during business hours and meet important clients, stakeholders and other valuable new contacts out of your usual business hours. Good time management is the key to success and important opportunities.


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