No promotion again. How to stay motivated?


You are successful at work; your performance evaluation for this year was great; your boss, subordinates and clients are more than satisfied with you. So you think you deserve a promotion, a raise, or at least a bonus. But instead comes a cold shower: your superiors tell you at present they can't offer anything extra. If your great performance continues, you may ask again in six months' or a year's time.

Whether you decide to start looking for another job, develop new skills or just be persistent, you will need strong motivation. In this situation, however, maintaining motivation for further work is not easy. Five tips on how to do so were published on The Muse website.

1. Understand the broader context

Try to grasp the external factors hindering your promotion or salary increase. If your boss has not adequately explained these to you, do not be afraid to ask. Use open questions such as: "What led you to your decision?" You may then better understand both the reasons and what to do in order to be more successful next time.

2. Discuss alternative benefits

Thank your boss for the additional clarifications and express understanding for the current situation. Then suggest possible solutions to some of your supervisor's problems. Show loyalty and a desire to help. Then try to negotiate an alternative benefit that might be more feasible for the boss than a promotion or salary increase. This might be working remotely, at least on some days, or anything else that will not cost the company much money but, at the same time, could bring some benefit.

3. Show you are indispensable

Starting from what you have learned about the decisions and problems of your supervisor, show that you are a unique team member. Always try to anticipate what will be needed and take the necessary steps before your superiors ask you. Work on enhancing the reputation of the entire team.

4. Find a mentor

A mentor will help you find new inspiration as well as better understand why you didn't receive the promotion or raise. An impartial person's view may be a major eye-opener. Read more at 5 steps to effectively cooperate with a mentor.

5. Set up short-term goals

Determine partial goals for the near future. Achieving shorter-term goals will help you remain focused and motivated. Prepare for the next performance evaluation. Read more at 10 steps to ask for a higher position and salary.


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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