Creating a favourable environment for your team


If you manage to create a professional working environment, your team will be motivated and positive, while conflicts will be less frequent and better handled. If, however, one of your employees acts inappropriately, it may affect the working environment. How to be sure you are fostering the right behaviours? Check out the following tips from

Set a good example to others

Nothing can spoil a professional working environment so badly as a boss who spreads gossip, swears or is constantly grumbling. You must admit to your own mistakes, never lose your temper and stay positive: that is what a role model should look like. Your subordinates will then respect you and try to behave in a similar positive and optimistic manner.

Recognise what you want to promote

You must pay attention to both results and behaviours, since acting unprofessionally is more common when results are the only thing that counts. Reward behaviours as well as measurable outcomes.

Comply or leave

Show everyone you intend to insist on your demands. Recognising the right behaviours is fine but you should also be ready to punish any misdemeanours. Even top performers must be corrected if they behave unprofessionally. If attempts at correction fail, consider termination of their contract of employment. Don’t allow yourself to become angered over minor irritations but if the bad behaviour is job related, act uncompromisingly.

Assistance should be always offered

Be it coaching or training, you need to support the right behaviours especially when your subordinates are fresh blood. All of your subordinates should be involved in training which deals with insensitivity, bullying and ethics. Everyone should also be familiar with interpersonal skills and conflict management. If, however, an employee already has this knowledge, no amount of training will solve the problem: in such cases it is a performance issue. If you see people really struggling, provide them with clear feedback. You could also find them a coach or coach them yourself.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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