Recognising hidden leadership potential


Among your subordinates there may be someone with hidden natural talent who could become a leader. Often these are people who see things in a wider perspective: they are able and willing to initiate things independently when they feel it is necessary to achieve their objectives. To identify these talents and to recognise the best possible candidates for a leading role, you should be looking for the character traits described below.

Sometimes one or more of these traits may be highly developed and strong but there must always be the first one – personal integrity and highly ethical behaviour. When this prerequisite is present, other leaders in your organisation should offer their support to help develop the hidden potential.

Integrity and an ethical approach

For anyone even to be considered as having leadership potential, their approach to their work must be completely ethical. A moral code of conduct, focusing on others and their welfare, is absolutely essential for anyone wishing to become a successful leader. Leaders must be predictable and be able to do the right thing even when the situation is unfavourable.

Driven to achieve results

People who will make good leaders use desired results to define what the means will be. When necessary, they must be able to act outside the box. Final results are what motivate them. They feel responsible for achieving the desired outcomes and delivering them to stakeholders, so they don’t do only what is in their job description.

Good at relationships

Leaders are good when they are able to build strong relationships and use these to lead others. They must know how to interact with others in order to be an inspiration for them. If your employees do not require formal authority in order to be able to influence others, they may have interesting potential.

Customer focused

Leaders are aware of how the various actions of different people affect customers and their experience. They have in mind the big picture and their deep devotion to company values is reflected in their behaviour.


Article source Leadership Now - web focuses on various aspects of leadership
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