Learn to invest your time, not to manage it


Effective time managers focus on priorities while not being perfectionists. However, this is easier said than done. What do we need to know to be able manage our time in the best possible way? Inc.com provided the following practical tips from Elizabeth Saunders, a coach specialized in time management and author of the book entitled How to Invest Your Time Like Money.

Time should not be managed, but invested

Try to look at time as if it were money. You would surely not invest your money in any opportunity that comes along. Invest your time in the most important things and don't worry about not being able to handle everything.

Being overloaded by tasks is your own fault

Don't blame other people or unexpected situations for your problems with time management. Remember that the way you manage your time is your choice. Concentrate on your commitments and set boundaries.

Refusing a task is not wrong

The fact that you refuse to do something you don't have the capacity to do doesn't mean that you are not doing enough. Accepting tasks beyond your capabilities will only make you unable to meet your priorities. You should learn to reject anything that is not a good time investment.

A to-do list won't tie you down, but set you free

Managers often don't keep lists of their tasks because they don't want to see how many responsibilities they actually have. A to-do list will, however, help you decide what is important and what you should focus on.

Routine work practices are not more effective

A task does not always have to be done at an exact time and in an exact way. If you fail in one step of your plan, do not give up on the whole task at hand. You can modify your approach to achieve the goal.

Perfectionism doesn't help

Everything really doesn't have to be done perfectly. Effective time managers decide what to invest their time in strategically. They either delegate unimportant tasks or do them imperfectly.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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