Solve these 3 simple issues and get more time


There are many reasons why our efforts at time management are less effective. These include unhealthy lifestyles and related chronic health problems, your own decisions and the effort to be constantly available. The website highlighted three main issues to consider if you want to use you time more wisely.

Treat your body like a temple, not a dustbin

You shouldn't ignore your body. Eat regularly and eat healthy food, because your body needs to have fuel. Try to sleep more than only few hours a day, since it is impossible for your body to reach the necessary energy level with such a short rest. Even if you are busy, don't ignore pain or injuries that are not getting better. It may save you a lot of suffering and spare you a considerable amount of time as well.

Your own decisions

Stop sabotaging your own schedule. Stop snoozing your alarm several times before you actually get up in the morning. Perhaps you also waste too much time on social media, Reduce the number of times you log in to check photos and your friends' posts. At work, put the most important things higher on your to do list than other people's requests. Don’t turn yourself down, serve yourself first. Don’t ignore other requests, but don’t work on anything else if your own stuff is not finished.

You are there every time somebody wants to talk to you

Sure, there is constant pressure to be accessible at all times, but try not to be scared of the consequences of not replying to every email in two hours. When you give others unlimited access to you, you have no chance to control your own time. Make people follow your rules. When your flow of creativity during work is constantly being interrupted by unexpected calls, emails and similar distractions, your productivity deteriorates. Time is the scarcest resource of all, so manage it well. You can have your assistant check how urgent each call is, or set firm schedule of when you can be reached.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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