Innovation is not useless


Many companies do not use the innovative ideas of their employees. Indeed, they lack systems and techniques to manage innovations and, more importantly, they can't see any business-related benefits to innovate. They often perceive innovation as too expensive. Innovation, however, does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. Finding a suitable innovation management system will take some time, but it's worth it.

Once your company learns the system, innovation will become an everyday part of its operation, reports. The website also draws attention to the following mistakes committed by companies in connection with innovation. Can you really afford not to innovate?

We will start innovating when our company grows bigger

This is one of the most common mistakes. Small businesses have several advantages over big ones in the field of innovation. They can innovate more quickly and flexibly.

There are no innovations in our industry

Innovation is definitely not just for the modern technology sector. Innovative ideas can be applied everywhere. Taking advantage of being among the first innovators in your industry is a competitive advantage and a way to secure a stronger market position.

Innovating is a task for our product developers

Another mistake is not involving all your people in the process of innovation. Anyone can come up with a great idea and should be able to implement it. People not working in your top management or the product team can bring interesting new perspectives.

We don't need a system

Successful companies have systems to identify innovative ideas. The process begins with finding ways to generate creative solutions. They don't focus only on finding revolutionary new products, but on making gradual improvements. Find unsolved problems and needs in your market, then regularly ask your teams to offer solutions.

Every new idea is a good one

The opposite is true in most cases. You must find a way to assess which new ideas to implement. You may, for example, create a special team consisting of people from different company departments to assess innovations.

Innovation is nothing special

Anyone who has ever worked for an innovative company would confirm that innovation can be great fun. The company, however, has to recognize innovation. Celebrate your achievements and their initiators. Reward creative thinking.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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