Give your confidence a boost


You have many opportunities to make yourself more confident and consequently more successful. You can make changes to your clothes, your behavior and even your voice in order to impress others. How can you craft a confident image? Follow these tips from the website.

Your clothes can make a difference

Don’t wear clothes that are too tight or too loose. Choose comfortable pieces and look confident. On the other hand, if your outfit molds your body a bit, you can just add some color and it is enough for you to feel noticeably more confident. Remember that dark colors make you look more authoritative while bright or contrast colors will attract attention. Start with something black or navy blue and then incorporate a contrasting color – white, light blue or yellow.

Speak with a confident voice

Many people still don’t focus on their voice, and yet it is so important. Plan the words you want to say, then say them slowly and confidently. Occasionally how you say something matters even more than what you say. Beware of the upswing. It is the rise in your intonation at the end of your statement. The statement then sounds more like a question, even when it is not.

Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others

This is a sure way to a downward spiral. It is very probable that you will never feel good enough once you start comparing yourself to others who have chosen different paths in their life. It crushes your confidence, because we always tend to notice and focus on what we don’t have, instead of being proud of what we have achieved. Create a gratitude list of everything you are thankful for. When you feel the urge to compare yourself with someone, remind yourself of all those wonderful things you have, both tangible or intangible.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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