6 truths about entrepreneurship


Many people dream of experiencing great success running their own business. They will no longer have to work for anyone else, they will only do what they enjoy, and they will earn huge profits from doing it. We read about people who have done it almost every day, so why not you? Having a dream and ambitions is important. However, before you enter the world of business you should be aware of, and be able to eliminate, several myths which are unfortunately still very common. The most serious entrepreneurial myths were summarized on Entrepreneur.com and accompanied by one business-related truth you can always count on.

1. You will not only be doing what you love

Many specialists often think that as entrepreneurs they will only be dealing with what they like. However, they quickly discover that as owners of a new company they have to do everything connected with the everyday business operations, and, as a result, spend very little time doing what their really enjoy. If you do not like fulfilling multiple roles and managing more aspects of running a business, carefully consider whether you want to become an entrepreneur.

2. You will not be your own boss

As an entrepreneur, you will not have direct superiors like an employee. Your customers and business partners will become your "bosses". More people will have control over when you work or how much you earn than when you were an employee. Are you ready to report to all of them?

3. The business is not just about you

In business, it doesn't matter whether you feel bored or unfulfilled and want to do something for yourself. You have to meet the needs of your customers. If you only want to do something for yourself, find a new hobby or a new job instead.

4. Doing business isn't easy

It usually takes many years to achieve success. Founding a company does not mean that you won't have to work hard to earn a living wage.

5. Don't start your own business just because you can

Just the fact that you know how to do something, or are able to do it, is not good enough to be successful. Every opportunity should be considered with regard to risks and benefits. Many entrepreneurs end up working harder than when they were employed, earning less money, having less free time and being more stressed. As a result, they don't achieve any improvement in their lives.

6. Everything will be three times harder

That's the real truth. Everything you start will take three times longer than expected. It will cost three times more money and it will be three times more complicated than you thought. That's something you can rely on every time.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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