Got fired? Maybe you are not humble enough


If you get fired, it is not the end of the world. It may be your wake up call. You must not be afraid to admit that you may have made mistakes. Only when you do that, can you become more authentic and you will be able to discuss risks more openly. Forget about hierarchy, sometimes it is about who is the best expert in a certain field. Humility and willingness to admit that you don’t know everything may save you the next time. According to an article on the website, we should speak about our failures and mistakes.

1) It is good for your character

Well, your ego may get hurt, but maybe your excessive self-confidence can be adjusted in the right direction. Humility is in most cases always a good thing. When you get fired, you may realize that you have been unprepared for many of the complex problems that you had considered to be easier. You may lose your false sense of invincibility.

2) Humble leaders may make better decisions

Sometimes we think that leadership is only about being strategic and arriving at decisions that will move the whole company forward. We may think that we need to make others to do what we believe will get us closer to our visions. However, that is a narrow approach to leadership. Such an approach to leadership prevents you from admitting that an issue may be more complex and that you may not know everything.

You may feel the pressure to decide everything on your own, to get along without help from others and  not admit that you are ever wrong.  When you are fired, it indicates that, perhaps there is a need to be more vulnerable as a leader. Sometimes leaders must be able to say that they simply don’t know all the answers. Situations often evolve really fast and humble leaders may be more beneficial to their company.

3) If you fail, it does not mean you are a simpleton

Getting fired does not mean that you are a failure. You may feel a little bit ashamed, but you will survive and keep on. You must let go of what ever happened in the past. Focus on moving forward.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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