Tips that can save your life during a presentation


There will be a lot of attention on you, so take care of everything. Clean your shoes, because your audience will eventually see them. Also, maintain good eye contact with your audience. Although it may be easier for you, don’t look only one group out of the whole audience in the eyes. You have to spread your eye contact all around the room. Don’t overdo your presentation, don’t drink and keep it simple. Also, be aware of how the body reacts after a presentation, advises the website.

Keep your presentation as simple as possible

Reduce your presentation to simple concepts. Your key concern is that your audience will be able to follow you through the whole presentation. Don’t go beyond their understanding, or you will lose them. Also avoid jargon, you have other ways to prove that you're an expert. Your presentation must be as understandable as possible.

Don’t use sound effects

If you still use sound effects on your PowerPoint, consider giving it up. It may be funny when there is applause at the last slide, or when there is some kind of sound effect when bullets appear. However, it will distract your audience, so don't do it. Also consider using animation sparingly, often it isn't really helpful.

No drinking the night before

Drinking alcohol the day before will destroy your presentation skills. Alcohol may drain all of your enthusiasm from your voice and your voice may be even slightly slurred. If you like to drink, drink after the presentation.

Be prepared for your low

While you feel the effects of testosterone while you are presenting, it will wear off. You will feel low and may even feel depressed. Don’t worry, it's only temporary, and it's natural.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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