Could you become a professional speaker? (1/2)


To become a speaker who gets paid for speaking, you need to be passionate about your subject. Furthermore, you must have at least some expertise in the field. Brian Tracy, who is one of the most famous speakers, started to give speeches after many years of studying the subjects of time management and sales.

He also points out that 80% of speakers are trainers, which means you have a big chance of becoming a speaker if you start training other people. You need to know a great deal about a topic so that you are able to tell others how such knowledge can have a positive impact on their lives. And when you start speaking for money, speaking itself need not be your only source of income. These are the views of Brian Tracy, expressed in a new article on the website.

Never speak on something of which you have no experience

Instead, try to become a specialist in one particular area. Then seek groups that would be interested in what you can offer them.

Never turn down an invitation to speak

At least 90% of public speaking, if not more, consists in finding an audience. If you can find an organisation that already holds regular meetings, it will be much easier for you. You yourself won’t have the capacity for trying to get people into one room; you need someone else to do this for you.

If you want to make money, offer other products

A speaker’s income does not necessarily have to consist only in appearing before an audience. You may even give a speech for free and still make good money. All you have to do is prepare a product. This may be a book, or an audio programme … basically anything that will enable you to deliver a message and spread your knowledge. Of course, the topic of these extra activities should be closely related to the topic you are talking about.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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Could you become a professional speaker? (1/2)


Could you become a professional speaker? (2/2)