Don't ignore the true performance potential of your company


Your company needs to transform its leadership style to be current and completive. Holding on to traditional habits lack the necessary courage. Today authority is not the main source of success. Don’t be afraid of giving your employees more freedom and encourage collective intuition and intellect.

Be a transformational, responsible leader. Check out these 4 pain points that often hold companies back, advises the website.

1. Decisions are dictated by politics

When decisions are only made to increase the shareholder profits, talent and money will start draining away. This may happen when your CEO places his own career ahead of the success of the company as a whole. His or her pay is often closely linked to shareholder returns.

2. Authoritative managers

Managers telling their employees what to do are not good at developing talented people. You need to just give your people some basic direction and specific goals then give them the space to achieve it. Give them a purpose rather than a mere list of instructions.

3. Creativity is controlled

When there is a managerial mentality only focused on cost cuts and risk aversion you cannot expect to see creative and energetic employees collaborating using customer feedback. Consequently there won’t be much innovation and flexibility in the way your company does business. Don’t try to control creativity – that is not how you improve your operations and processes.

4. Questions must change

Don’t be afraid to question your assumptions for there is nothing worse than working hard to get nowhere. Too often are we caught in a trap of our past beliefs and way too narrow assumptions about how things work.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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