4 tips for enhanced creativity


Being creative is a skill that can be trained and fostered. Cultivate it and your overall performance will surely improve. Of course, some people are born highly creative, but others can hone this skill. Have a look at these tips by the addicted2success.com website.

1) Like what you do

People are creative when they are doing what they like to do. When you do something you don’t feel passionate about, you can hardly use your creativity to the fullest. Think about painting – you cannot paint something inspiring and new when you don’t have a vision, when you are not driven by your passion. The same applies to every field of human activity.

2) Don’t be afraid of changes

You aren't used to change and that's why you may try to avoid it and don't go with the change when it arrives. Try to be both creative and effective. Try to adapt to the changes you experience and be flexible. You must always preserve your uniqueness, but you need to respond accordingly to what people expect from you.

3) Add skills together

When you are good at something, think about what skills can help you be even better. Cultivate the skills that, when combined with what you already do well, will enable you to be extremely good at what you want to become. These skills should be connected to your current passion, of course. A passionate cook could learn something about management for example, because in the future he or she may need this kind of skill to run their own restaurant or coordinate restaurant staff.

4) Don’t be afraid of collaboration

It's right to work on a project alone when it is suitable, but even creative people sometimes need to put their heads together with their colleagues. Creative people are open-minded when they collaborate with others. That is why they are able to maintain their creativity and nurture strong relationships with others at the same time.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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