Conduct SWOT analysis fast and simply


A SWOT analysis is a structured method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a plan or policy. It is able to evaluate the functioning of the entire team or company. Conducting a SWOT analysis helps you to understand where you are now and where you need to go. The website recommends these steps to involve and energize your team when you decide to do such an analysis.

1) Select an independent facilitator

This will help free up the manager who is willing to do the SWOT analysis so he can participate fully. It also helps to not bias input from the others on the team.

2) Brainstorm strengths

Ask participants what strengths they see in their company, unit or team. Leadership abilities, decision making abilities, innovation, productivity, quality, technological processes… these all are the areas where strengths can be identified. Write all the suggestions on a flip chart. Avoid duplicate entries.

3) Consolidate and clarify ideas

All flip chart pages should be posted on a wall, to make them visible. Consolidate entries by asking your group which items can be combined. Don’t over-consolidate as you could lose focus. Next step is to go through the list and clarify any items the participants have questions about. However it is still the time to be defining your strengths, it is not time for discussing possible solutions.

4) Identify top strengths

Sometimes there are no opposing views. In case this is not true, give your group a few minutes so that everyone can individually pick his or her top issue. Then it is time to vote. Everyone will vote for his or her top 3 or 5 items, depending on the overall length of the list. Summarize the top strengths on a single flip chart page.

5) Repeat all the previous steps for weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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