10 commandments to solve managerial incompetence


Are your subordinates driving you nuts? Do you think they are incompetent and constantly gossip behind your back? But what if it's you who is incompetent? Some managers do not realize that they do their job poorly until it's too late to remedy the situation. To avoid these fiascos, try to be honest and see if you are making the following management mistakes identified by Inc.com.

1. Do not make empty promises

There is no excuse for not keeping your promises. If you fail to walk your talk, say goodbye to trust.

2. Do not be late repeatedly

Don't think that the boss can be late, and without an apology. Do this three times and your authority is gone.

3. Do not use rude language

Swearing immediately evokes aggression. So if you think that cursing shows your enthusiasm and willingness to win, you're wrong.

4. Do not adorn yourself with borrowed plumes

A team's success is the success of every individual, not just the boss. In many cases, the boss's participation in a success is quite negligible. Your people will always know when you take credit for their achievements.

5. Do not set employees against each other

A certain rivalry in the team can be good, but not to the extent that one day you find your people conspiring against you.

6. Do not play favorites

A manager who plays favorites inevitably loses confidence. Moreover, it often happens that these people only take advantage of the manager and when they reach a certain influence, they get rid of him.

7. Do not use inappropriate humor

Do you think you're funny? Try to find out if others agree. How would you look in a comic sketch in front of an audience that doesn't know you?

8. Do not give way to uncontrolled emotions

Every manager must reckon with the fact that people make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes, which can be done much more effectively without shouting and tantrums.

9. Do not neglect hygiene

Managerial functions require taking care of your appearance. It's not just about your clothes, but also about how you take care of your hair and beard and about the way you smell. People should not have to hold their noses in your presence because you smell or because of your excessive use of perfume.

10. Do not micromanage

Most managers find it difficult not to micromanage their people. You should try hard not to overdo it as well, otherwise others will begin to think that you have nothing else to do.
