Restoring purpose to your peoples' lives


Approximately only a third of the people are able to figure out that they can control their current situation and change it. Further,there are basically two options: you can change it from inside or leave. Two out of three people, however, will become helpless and indifferent once they see that their effort have been futile.

The website advises us to prove to our subordinates that they can  effect change. They don’t have to be apathetic and indifferent. It is the leader who needs to provide evidence that the effort and struggle is worthwhile. There must be a shared opinion that things can get better. Beating apathy and boredom is the key.

Apathy, the eternal problem of managers

Stress can cause apathy. That is where a competent manager can intervene. It is about giving back control of the situation to the worker, who feels helpless. People are helpless when  no matter how hard they try, they repeatedly cannot change the situation they are in. Consequently an unpleasant situations can create apathy and passivity in both managers and their team.

Apathy can be overcome

Apathy is connected to a specific situation. An normally energetic and happy worker can become apathetic and even depressed if the work situation changes It is about who is in the room and what is going in the room, and feelings can change quickly. It is a duty of manager to assure that employees feel good. They have to gain satisfaction from their work. Rituals, pastimes and relief of tension, as well as minimizing the number of noxious situations, these all are important factors when you want your subordinates not to be swallowed up by apathy.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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