How humility can save your career


Narcissism is what gives many executives their self-confidence. Thanks to their powerful positive self-image, they are willing to set very high goals for themselves. Recent findings published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggest that leaders whose natures combine narcissism and humility are actually the leaders who are truly superior. When these two personal traits coexist in the same executive, he is probably going to be successful. It is associated with his ability to counter-balance these two personal attributes, claims the website.

 When egocentricity meets humility

Executives who are narcissistic are often self-focused and driven. They are passionate about their ambitions for the company they work for. They can crash and burn, however, precisely due to their narcissistic dominance. When they aren't bound by any regulations, the whole company can be at risk. For some time it may seem that their vision is giving their company a  lift, but the reality of the crises that can occur are just results of their narcissism. The final conclusion just turns out to be costly and difficult.

Leaders must be able to regulate themselves

Narcissism is part of the personality of many leaders and innovators. They need to formulate bold visions and be persistent in bringing them to life. The shortcomings of this personality trait is that these people can ignore alternatives and tend to use people as mere tools that serve to achieve their personal aspirations. They become more and more arrogant. That is why those leaders who are humble are successful.

They know their own strengths but also know when to seek advice from people with different perspectives. They know that in doing so they are avoiding falling into the self-induced trap of narcissism. Humility can be developed. Steve Jobs was able to change his management style and eventually he was able to return to Apple.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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