Responsibilities no manager should delegate


We have written many times that a successful manager must be able to delegate. You simply can't handle everything yourself. However, there are things that can't be delegated, because by doing so you would de facto surrender your role as a manager.

We're not talking here about secret files or access codes that should be kept private. We're talking about leading your team. According to the TLNT website, managers should never delegate the following responsibilities.

1. Talent management

Each manager should choose people for his team personally and get involved in their training. He should introduce them to the team culture and motivate them to perform at their best. It's a never-ending process nobody else can do.

2. Vision and values

Even if you're not the owner of your company and are not implementing company-wide vision and values, your mission is to transmit them to the members of your team. Check regularly that your people know what you are trying to achieve together, and also the whys and hows.

3. Praise and rewards

Your people need to know that you notice their achievements and appreciate them. It's not necessary to praise people for every little thing, but make sure not to take your people's good work for granted without saying thanks.

4. Disciplinary proceedings

If a member of your team makes a serious mistake and should be disciplined, it is up to you to manage the situation. Only an incompetent manager takes a day off and delegates such an unpleasant situation to a subordinate.

5. Training a successor

A good manager is also a mentor to his subordinates. He counts on the fact that he will leave the company one day and trains a successor who will take his place.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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