What prevents you from career advancement?


Career development is a long-term process. It primarily includes long-term goals such as a higher salary or searching for opportunities to grow. When fulfilling these long-term goals, however, we may overlook certain details which make our career advancement unnecessarily difficult. These are mistakes we make in how we behave.

An article on the Psychology Today website written by psychologist Amy Morin highlighted some subtle bad habits that can lead to a loss of career opportunities. She based the article on her experience as a psychotherapist which she also described in her book titled 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. The book has been translated into 21 languages, including Czech (13 věcí, které psychicky silní lidé nedělají, Bizbooks, 2015).

You keep complaining

Nobody wants to work with negative people. If you do not like something, you always have two options: change the situation, or change your attitude.

You remain silent

If you never express you opinion on anything, you send a clear signal that you are not a leader. Try to say what you think more often even if you do not agree with something.

You can't listen

You can't let others finish what they're saying and give unsolicited advice. Try to devote more time and energy to listening.

You don't care about your health

Constantly working overtime, skipping meals and asking for more tasks will not make you a perfect worker. While you may look busy, you will only achieve lower performance and weakened health.

You can't admit your mistakes

You look for excuses and try to hide your mistakes. This shows you can't bear responsibility. When you can learn from mistakes, you can get the respect of others.

You can't accept criticism

When someone offers feedback, don't defend yourself. Even if you disagree, you should hear them out first.

You don't cooperate

You don't reply to emails, ridicule the ideas of others or gossip about your colleagues. To be successful in your career, you have to know how to get along with people. Improve your social skills.


MORIN, Amy: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. New York: HarperCollins, 2014. 272 p.


Article source Psychology Today - a U.S. magazine and online community focused on psychology
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