Stop talking about accountability. Be accountable


You don’t want your employees to hide mistakes? Then you must set a positive example of accountable behavior and encourage them to mirror it, advises the website. For your employees to be dedicated to accountability, there must be clear expectations set, and they are sure about the desired results.

Role model accountable behaviors

In many organizations people are afraid of admitting mistakes. That usually gets you in even bigger trouble. Making excuses and blaming others sets the wrong model for behavior. You, as a leader, must be able and willing to stand up in front your employees and admit that you made a mistake. Immediately, in the very next sentence, you need to tell them what you are going to do to fix the mistake.

Gain commitment

Commitment is necessary. Always ask your subordinates if you have their commitment. Listen to any concerns and work with your team to overcome any possible barriers. Think about what you can do to obtain their commitment when you don’t have it.

Define rules, define expectations

Set clear standards and expectations before the work even starts. It is way too easy to wait for a mistake to happen and then blame someone. However that will just consume time and energy. Before the work begins, everyone should be aware of what results you expect to achieve.

Coach employees how to be accountable

Some people have never had to be accountable. Therefore they may need to learn new skills and behaviors, like critical thinking. Without it, a culture of accountability cannot be established. Finally, there must be consequences for both consistently poor performance on the one hand and for positive results on the other hand.


Article source About Management - part of the website focused on management
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