Let your negativity teach you a lesson about life


Being scared and insecure because you experience negative feelings means you are failing to make progress in your life. Negativity is experienced when we are unhappy with some aspect of our lives. It is a sign that we should refocus and question some of our behaviours and habits. For genuine improvements in performance you should approach your negativity as a fuel for change.

Making a change is difficult and sometimes you will have to sacrifice something. So rely on your negativity, which is a good guide. You only need to do a little bit of thinking to choose what is right. This enables committing yourself to values which matter to you precisely when you are forgetting them. This claim is from an article on the management-issues.com website.

Your negativity can truly guide you

Your negative inner monologue, thoughts, feelings, actions and general behaviour can be noticed and used for improvement. These sometimes very unpleasant factors highlight a pattern. You have a choice how to react. You can choose to notice it, learn from it and then act upon it; or, you can choose to ignore it. The former is a better approach. We have a tendency to view negativity as a bad thing. No wonder, since there are many uncomfortable experiences associated with it. However, negativity is a response that is totally natural and normal. Negativity highlights something in your life which demands your attention and a response, something about which you should be concerned.

Give it a different name and also the result will be different

Negativity is energy and that energy can be used in transforming your life. Negativity is an expression of feelings that we have inside us. It is not only negativity on its own: it is also a kind of signal. Giving a different name to a negative experience or outcome can be extremely powerful. It can actually change your life for the better since it helps you focus on things you haven’t been paying attention to before.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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