Are you persuasive?


The ability to persuade others is important not only at work but also in your everyday life. It requires a high degree of emotional intelligence. If you want to win over others to your way of thinking, you must first make them like you. published an article on this subject by Travis Bradberry, an expert on emotional intelligence and the author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, a globally successful book also published in Czech by BizBooks. If you want to improve your skills, try the following tips used by exceptionally persuasive people.

- Remember who you're talking to. You should know your audience and speak in the language and style that best suits each person.

- Establish personal relationships. People accept your opinions more easily if you communicate with them on a personal, human level. You should start by using their names.

- Do not be aggressive. You should not be shy. Promote your views assertively, but calmly. Do not be too impatient and pushy.

- Make a strong first impression. People decide whether they're going to take you seriously in the first few seconds. You have to make a positive first impression, mainly through your body language.

- Use the right body language. Your body language should be positive and radiate confidence. Speak with passion in your voice, do not cross your arms, look others in the eye and lean towards them.

- Speak clearly and concisely. Express yourself quickly and comprehensively. Imagine how you would explain something to a person who knows nothing about it. When you can, it will be easier for you to convince those who are familiar with it.

- Be natural. You will achieve nothing without openness and honesty. Be yourself, do not try to be someone you think others want to see.

- Respect the opinions of others. Admit it when you see that other people have a point. Show that you are willing to think things over and want to act in the best interests of others. Show you are listening by asking related questions.

- Use pictures and stories. Present others with something they can easily imagine.

- Do something for others. Learn to make partial concessions. It is always better to be successful than to be right at any cost.

- Smile. When you smile, others will smile back at you.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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