How not to spoil a corporate Christmas party for yourself and others


The season of corporate Christmas parties is upon us. On the one hand, we should know that it's a party. On the other hand, it's also necessary to maintain professionalism. How should you balance fun with professionalism at your company's party or at a party hosted by another company?

Start by dressing professionally. Keep to the dress code required at your company or even dress a level up. You will not offend anybody if you wear a shirt and a jacket. But when you put on an outfit suitable for a nightclub, you can attract unwanted attention. Consider how you want the important people around to remember you. If specific clothes are recommended for the party in advance, dress as they recommend. Other practical tips were published on


A Christmas party is a party and so the topics of conversation should be cheerful. Avoid work issues, business or politics. However, be also careful not to behave too informally. Avoid jokes and comments that might offend other people. Don't gossip or insult anyone.

Get to know others better

Use the party as an opportunity to get to know your colleagues more personally. Talk about your interests or Christmas traditions in your families. Meet their friends and partners.

Come with a partner ...

If the party invitation tells you should bring a guest, take someone with you. Others will be glad to see you from a different perspective and chat with your partner or friend. Be careful, however, not to come with a person who is likely to embarrass you.

... or without a partner

If the party invitations do not explicitly state you should come with a partner, don't bring any uninvited guests. The organizers won't be prepared for them. If you aren't sure, ask the organizers in advance.

Limit your alcohol intake

You've been working hard all year and you certainly don't want others to gossip about you just because of the Christmas party, so don't drink too much. If a colleague decides not to drink at all, don't force him or her to drink.

A question for you: What was the best Christmas party you've ever been to?


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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