Performance is all about encouraging the right behaviours


Genuine effort is needed to build a high performance culture. To enable your staff to keep performing at the highest levels of their potential, you must set up and maintain certain psychological conditions. It is crucial that people derive purpose from the tasks they are performing. According to the website, the main factors are peer network, informal feedback and possibility of choice.

1) Purpose

Your staff must know their work counts and is not futile. They must also see how together they can create something which would never be achieved without collaboration. The final step is to show how recognition of a worthwhile contribution goes beyond the mere business success of the company.

2) Challenge

What is the right kind of challenge? The goal must be reasonably demanding so that people need to stretch themselves somewhat. Individual goals should be aligned to the strengths and motivations of individual workers and at the same time in harmony with company strategy. Goals should also be frequently reviewed in order to remain relevant.

3) Feedback and growth mindset

Feedback should be more descriptive than evaluative. Remember that informal feedback can also be very effective. You should be helping your staff to believe that they are capable of reaching their goals. Employees who do not see how their working life might progress become stuck. Their self-esteem diminishes and so does their performance.

4) Choice

You need to build a strong network of technical, emotional and practical support. Interpret challenges as short-term and insightful; be optimistic. Also focus on what you and your team can control or influence. Managers should try to give their staff maximum autonomy, allowing them the space to make their own choices.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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