Speakers are not infallible machines

Fear of public speaking is one of the most common human fears. Psychologists call it glossophobia. It manifests itself in different degrees of anxiety as severe as panic attacks and is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as nausea.

If your stomach turns over and your heart beats like crazy when you are about to give a public speech, you've probably already read many tips on how to cope with this fear.

Often, for example, you were advised to imagine the audience in their underwear or completely naked. However, you may find this even more distracting.


Inc.com recommends the following steps instead.

Remember that the audience is interested mainly in your message

Your task is to give the listeners what they expect. The focus is not on you personally, but on what you say. Your listeners don't know how nervous you are or that you slept poorly the night before. They are looking forward to your message.

If you stumble or forget something in your speech due to nervousness, they will understand and will not judge you.

Get to know the audience before your speech

Don't hide behind the scenes. If possible, before the speech, go around the room, shake hands with the audience, introduce yourself and thank them for coming. Making the faces friendly and personal contact will help you relax.

Remember that people are not machines

Even the best speakers make mistakes. When this happens to a president, media will jump on it. When you make a mistake, it will not be so terrible.

Relax and feel free to laugh with the audience if you stumble. You should realize that the people in the audience are human just like you. They may suffer from the fear of public speaking as well and admire your courage.

Don't be too hard on yourself

Many people demand much more from themselves than others would demand. Your speech is not really a matter of life and death, you do not have to ask more of yourself than your audience asks of you. Try to stay as calm as possible. Get a good night's sleep and eat a good meal.

Then be yourself during the speech. Share your knowledge and passion for the subject you are talking about. Take the audiences' interest in your knowledge as an honor and a pleasure.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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