Learn to deal with adversity and don't be afraid of temporary failures


Australian explorers Cas and Jonesy lived a daring adventure. They took a bold risk and went on a trans-Tasman kayak journey (Tasman sea is between Australia and New Zealand and is roughly 2,000 km wide). They invested several years of their lives, spent all the money they had and gave up their jobs.

There were some moments of severe frustration, delays (they had to have their kayak redesigned) and adversity, but they didn’t dwell on them. When they got stuck in strong winds they stayed strong and push through. They completed their unbelievable trip and now they inspire others. So claims an article on the addicted2success.com website.

Come down from a major high with another goal in your mind

The adventure required that they had spent 3.5 years of their life working towards a goal with a single-minded focus. During that time other parts of their lives, their career or relationships hadn’t progressed at all. What do you  with your life after you have reached a major high? 

The best way to come down from a major high is to set  another goal. Idle time can  cripple you and make it very hard for you to move on. It is much easier is to bounce from one major achievement to another. Don’t stagnate, because if you do, getting going again could become very difficult.

You can inspire others

During the expedition, the two guys discovered many abilities within themselves. They built and strengthen their mental abilities. Once you have found and unlocked how strong you are mentally, you are able to inspire people around you.

When they give corporate speeches, the two adventurers claim it is exciting to see peoples' eyes light up with sparks. After the speech, people usually come up to chat and tell about what they are going to do to realize their own dreams. That is a result of the adventurers sharing their amazing stories. Audience members simply lack something and they find it through Cas and Joneys' presentations.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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