6 ways in which successful people overcome fear


Uncertainty, nervousness, stress. Successful businesspeople always seem so self-confident that they may appear not to experience any nerves or fear during meetings and when making decisions. However, that is not the case. They have just found a way to overcome their uncertainties: they do not reveal them to other people and do not succumb to them. According to Forbes.com, there are several ways to learn this skill.

1. Rationality

Fear and uncertainty are primitive emotions that do not take logic into account but tell us to hide, run away and make irrational decisions. Top businesspeople are able to decide rationally to free themselves from such fears, focus only on concrete facts and numbers and, to some extent, distance themselves from their own minds.

2. Positive thinking

Positive thinking and a good mood are antidotes to fear. Before important meetings, successful people keep themselves happy, each in a way that suits them – listening to music, talking to a friend, doing sport.

3. Certainty

If you know your stuff, you are generally less nervous. Fear often has a very real basis in a lack of knowledge. Reduce this source of fear by being well prepared for meetings.

4. Coming to terms with the fact that some things cannot be influenced

Another common source of fear is the thought that there are things you cannot influence. People then tend to feel like they are not in control, which is where fear comes in. The solution involves coming to terms with the fact certain things cannot be changed but this will not stop you doing your best within the possibilities you do have.

5. Seeking solutions

Instead of worrying about problems, it is better for both your business and your own sake to focus on seeking solutions. Do not waste too much time on problems, look for compromises and suggest solutions.

6. Crisis scenario

It is advisable, even if only for your own piece of mind, to plan in advance for any crisis or catastrophic situation that might theoretically occur during the meeting.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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