Mistakes you should not repeat


Success is not about not making mistakes. It depends on the ability to admit failure, to learn and not repeat the same mistakes again and again. Smart and successful people do not ignore their mistakes, they perceive it as an opportunity to improve.

"Some mistakes are so tempting that we all make them at one point or another. Smart people learn from these mistakes and never make them twice," explains expert on emotional intelligence Travis Bradberry in another of his articles on Entrepreneur.com. What mistakes should you not repeat?

Don't trust people and things that look too good

Some people have such strong charisma that we tend to believe everything they say and follow them automatically. The same is true for various attractive projects. Smart people do not trust anything blindly. They think it though well in advance who and what they  believe based on evidence they found for themselves.

Don't expect different results when doing the same things

You tried something and failed. In these cases, it's naive to believe that you will succeed next time if you repeat the same steps. The same steps will lead to the same results. You have to change your approach, even though it won't be easy.

Don't plan your life without a budget

In both you private and professional life, you should be well aware of your financial situation and what you can afford. Once you determine how much money you spend and for what, it will be much easier for you to make the right decisions.

Don't try to be someone else

It always turns out badly. Smart people realize this at the first opportunity and achieve success and happiness by behaving authentically.

Don't try to please everyone

Smart people quickly realize that trying to please everyone leads only to pleasing no one. If you want to be successful, you must learn to make the decisions that are right, not just ones that are desirable or popular at the moment.

Don't try to change other people

Everybody tries this, and inevitably fails. Some people even tend to search for problematic people and try to "correct" their behavior. Smart people, however, know that changing someone who doesn't want to change is impossible. They prefer to surround themselves with pleasant and positive people who won't get them into a fix.

What mistake will you never repeat again?


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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