4 signs that you should start your own business


Are you seeking changes and improvements but your colleagues don’t care? Do you want to make decisions yourself because you can see that many decisions made by others are bad? The addicted2success.com website shows what to look out for: these are obvious signs that you are ready to become an independent entrepreneur.

1. You don’t fit in

You have a job and you make good money. People assume you should be happy. But you aren’t. You find the idea of working at the same place, with the same people, on the same schedule for the next x number of years depressing. Being an employee doesn’t work for you. You don’t even want to fit in. It’s time to start working for yourself.

2. You’re always pushing for change

You’re the one at work who is always proposing new ideas to your superior. You can see there are better ways of doing things – and you are willing to try them.

Most of your friends tell you if it ain't broke, don’t fix it. That drives you crazy simply because you are not satisfied with just being “good enough”. You aim for the best.

3. You think differently

Your mind is constantly solving problems. Ideas for new ways of doing things keep appearing and you want to try them out. You don’t understand why others keep moving along the same path without thinking about how things might be done in the future. When you see an unsolved situation, you start brainstorming. You are always looking for an innovative solution.

4. You hate that ceiling

You have a manager. You’re not the person at the top. You want to make the decisions and your constant desire to push for changes is dismissed by the people above you. If you become an entrepreneur, there will be no ceiling.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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