Everyone is the agent of their own misfortune


Being surrounded by unhappy people is as harmful as passive smoking. People who are unhappy or dissatisfied in their lives simply damage the health of others and have a scientifically demonstrable impact on their premature death. An expert on emotional intelligence, Travis Bradberry, writes about this in an interesting article on Entrepreneur.com.

Bradberry also explains that happiness and unhappiness has much less to do with the circumstances of our lives than we think. The saying that everyone is responsible for their own happiness is very true, according to Bradberry. Whether or not we are happy depends primarily on our personal habits and attitudes to life. So if you want to be happy and content, avoid the following behaviours.

10 steps to get rid of unhappiness

- Don't expect that you will be happy in the future. Be happy now. You never know what will come.

- Don't focus too much on unnecessary accumulation of wealth. Devote more time to your family, friends and interests. Money can't buy you happiness.

- Don't avoid other people. Sometimes you can be alone but your feeling of unhappiness should not isolate you from others.

- Don't consider yourself a victim of adverse life circumstances. In most cases, it is definitely not true that you can't do anything about your situation.

- Don't be too pessimistic. If you expect the worst, it will often happen to you.

- Stop constantly complaining. Negativity hurts not only yourself, but also everybody around.

- Accept that bad things sometimes happen to everyone. This definitely does not mean you are destined to suffer your entire life.

- Don't ignore problems. Take responsibility for your actions and if you make a mistake, correct it.

- Don't be indifferent. Set goals, study and improve yourself so you are capable of making a change.

- Stop comparing yourself to others. This again leads only to unhappiness and dissatisfaction.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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